Week 8: Comments and Feedback
Comments and Feedback
In terms of the feedback that I've been hearing and reading from the rest of the class, I feel like for the most parts, it does give me a good understanding as to what I can improve on myself as a writer. I can see that, with the most of the comments given, that one of the things that I should be doing better is the incorporation of more details associated with my stories. For example, for one of my stories titled "The Battle of the Brothers," there was a suggestion of adding more information to an otherwise arbitrary and mysterious timeline of the brothers being alone for the past five years and the commenter was wondering what are the details that happened within those 5 years. There were also suggestions that I should use more dialogue. Both were great, and I think these are the points that I should be incorporating when writing the stories in the future. I would add though, there were little to no critiques as to see if any of my content was confusing or anything of sort, which makes me feel like I am doing doing my part in making the stories easy to understand and follow.
As for the comments out, I think the inclusion of the idea of WWW definitely insinuated a more in-depth comments as to how the writers can improve upon. The general structure of the WWW is what intrigued me the most as you begin by telling the writer what you like most about them, followed by the questions to ask them. I think that this incorporates an all-around healthy atmosphere for the readers that gives them the chance to want to read and incorporate the comments given to them.
As for the Blog Comments specifically, from what I've experienced, there is a general great atmosphere for all the writers in the class to get to know their peers without possibly ever seeing them in person, which I feel is a strong point in the structure of an online class, so there is not a complaint from me in terms of the connection I have from my peers.
Looking forward, I think that in terms of comments, I should be asking even more questions than the amount that I am asking right now. I feel that the more questions you have for the writer, the more aspects of their writing can improve upon, especially from receiving them from numerous others.
In terms of the feedback that I've been hearing and reading from the rest of the class, I feel like for the most parts, it does give me a good understanding as to what I can improve on myself as a writer. I can see that, with the most of the comments given, that one of the things that I should be doing better is the incorporation of more details associated with my stories. For example, for one of my stories titled "The Battle of the Brothers," there was a suggestion of adding more information to an otherwise arbitrary and mysterious timeline of the brothers being alone for the past five years and the commenter was wondering what are the details that happened within those 5 years. There were also suggestions that I should use more dialogue. Both were great, and I think these are the points that I should be incorporating when writing the stories in the future. I would add though, there were little to no critiques as to see if any of my content was confusing or anything of sort, which makes me feel like I am doing doing my part in making the stories easy to understand and follow.
As for the comments out, I think the inclusion of the idea of WWW definitely insinuated a more in-depth comments as to how the writers can improve upon. The general structure of the WWW is what intrigued me the most as you begin by telling the writer what you like most about them, followed by the questions to ask them. I think that this incorporates an all-around healthy atmosphere for the readers that gives them the chance to want to read and incorporate the comments given to them.
As for the Blog Comments specifically, from what I've experienced, there is a general great atmosphere for all the writers in the class to get to know their peers without possibly ever seeing them in person, which I feel is a strong point in the structure of an online class, so there is not a complaint from me in terms of the connection I have from my peers.
Looking forward, I think that in terms of comments, I should be asking even more questions than the amount that I am asking right now. I feel that the more questions you have for the writer, the more aspects of their writing can improve upon, especially from receiving them from numerous others.
(Feedback Guides my Practice. Source: Growth Mindset Memes)
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