First Impression of Technology Tools
In terms of the mentioning about the numerous technology tools that are and will be used in this class, in addition to some useful extensions that can be used regularly, for the most parts, I'm familiar with its functions! It's quite intriguing as this is my first online class in college, and it's quite a different experience than the usual lectures in-class and homework off-campus. This being said, I think online classes are better in terms of the expected structure of the week and you can plan accordingly to the rest of your responsibilities. One thing that I haven't used before, in terms of the tools, are the bookmarking option. As useful as it potentially is, I haven't been using it at all since I've used a computer. I'm also interested in all of the platforms that I'll be using in this semester, especially in the creation of a website as this is something I've never used before! Other than that, I think this will be a semester where I will explore more functionalities that I haven't been used before.
(Student using computer. Source: Unsplash)
Hi Long! I think it's pretty interesting that this is your first time taking an online class. In my experience, they have a lot more leeway than traditional classes in terms of the types of projects and assignments you can turn in, and they can be a lot more self scheduled. Of course, the drawback is that sometimes you forget that they exist and miss a few assignments.